How to submit your entry

In order to submit entries you need to have an account and be logged in. If you have an account already then you can skip this step and login.

Create your account

1. Head to 'My Account' via the main menu and 'Create Account' you will then receive an email from, which will ask you to confirm the details to activate the account.

You can view the categories here or via the menu, click ‘More info’ on the category for a drop-down description to give you some insight into what is eligible. 

Once you've decided on what category best suits your work, select each of them, you'll see them pop up at the bottom of the screen and click 'Next'

The form has 4 sections

  • Entrant Information - Details of the person we should contact about this entry
  • Entry Information - Some basic information regarding your entry
  • Confidential - This section should be for information that you do NOT want to be published online
  • For Publication - This section should be for information that you are happy to be published online

Here's a breakdown of each field and what it requires -        
Entry Information

  • Entry title* - This is the name of your entry and will be shown on the website, in the event of a nomination or win, give each entry a unique title to grab the judges' interest - try to avoid generic names.
  • Company/Agency- The name of the company/agency that the entry is for (this information will be used in the awards show, should you be nominated and on the trophy engraving should you win).
  • Company logo* - This will be used during our winner's announcements, so if you are submitting on behalf of a client and would like them to get recognition during the show, please upload their company logo, rather than your own.
  • Client - The name of the client you did the work for (this information will be used in the awards show, should you be nominated and on the trophy engraving should you win) if you're entering your own work, and not for a client, you can leave this field blank.
  • Twitter handle - This is so we can congratulate you on social media, in the event of a nomination or win.


  • Executive summary* - Summarise the key points in your report (250 words). Make it enticing for the judges to read on.
  • Entry report* - Please structure your report using the following three headings: Objectives, Strategy & Results (1250 words)
  • Entry video (confidential) - Add either a Youtube or Vimeo link (please make sure to have your video set to public). This video should be of your entry or to support your written entry.
  • Supporting files - If you have additional creative or infographics you can combine them into one pdf for the judges' consideration. This is optional and only if needed to supplement your entry (you will have the chance to add images in the publication section below that the judges will see)

For Publication

  • Executive summary* - Summarise the key points in your report, this will be published on the website in the event of a nomination or win.
  • Public entry report - A version of your 'Entry report' that you are happy to be published on, please remove any information that you and/or your client would not like to be made public - the judges will not see this version and is purely for publication purposes.
  • Entry credits* - This is your chance to give recognition to the people behind the work. Please ensure that you only submit the details of people who would like to be contacted by us, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. (Email addresses will not be published)
  • Entry image* - This will be the image we will use across marketing and event materials in the event of a nomination or win. It can be an image from your campaign (if applicable) or a company logo. Max file size - 40MB
  • Additional image - you have the option to add an extra image
  • Web address - If you have a webpage or site that shows your work, then you should add the link here. Please don't include a website that is not part of your entry as this will be judged as part of your submission.
  • Entry video - Add either a Youtube or Vimeo link (please make sure to have your video set to public). This video should be of your entry or to support your entry.

We’d hate for you to lose the entry you’ve been working hard on, so make sure to save your entry along the way. 
If you need a coffee break, you can save and come back to your entry at any time (before the official deadline that is).

Your entry can be found by logging back in via ‘My Account’ heading to ‘Dashboard’ > ‘In progress’.

Once you're ready and happy with your entries, proceed to checkout where any discounts will be applied and you can pay securely.